No, Thank you!
I recently had a workshop participant stating this as her ‘light bulb moment’. Trying to accept no, make it easy for people to say no, say no yourself – gracefully.
It comes up in the de cluttering workshops when I talk about donations – in the context that not all giving is well received, not all giving is good.
Charities have a huge problem with waste – unwanted donation that they have to PAY to get rid off. (I have written about this in more detail here)
We might do the same to neighbours and friends – bully them into taking our stuff
Our stuff is our responsibility!
We let it into our lives, we must have a sustainable, fair exit strategy.
Train yourself to say no – no thank you, say it standing tall and meaning it, without being loud or insulting.
Practice it next time someone at the checkout offers you
- A plastic bag
- The docket
- A two for one deal at the petrol station
Say no to
- The beauty bag that is ‘free’ if you buy one more item
- The Eski bundle with a six pack cooler when you really just need a decent sized Eski.
- The plastic container set promising 36 pieces (counting the lids) with only two items you really need!
- The sheet set with the wrong sized pillow cases and a top sheet you never use.
- The towels including a face washer you don’t need.
Phrase your offer of hand me down goods to your relatives or friends in a way they can say ‘no’- and accept it as what it is. A no to STUFF, not a no to you as a person.
Don’t make it hard!