Have a Merry Christmas with Less Mess and more Joy!
Don’t aim too high with presents. Take a good look at what you think are your gift giving obligation.
Approach people about it. They might be more than happy and relieved to arrange a less expensive way to show your appreciation towards each other. Most people, after outgrowing their 20’s, have enough stuff and are happy with small gestures or non “stuff” things.
It’s not the dollar value that matters
Don’t have a set amount to spend on each person in your head. Yes, do
have a budget and
a maximum amount, but a lot of people, especially when it comes to kids try to spend a certain amount. Kids don’t mind. Little kids don’t even realise.
(One of the most loved Christmas presents I bought for my then little one was a plastic toy wheelbarrow. It was reduced to $8, he loved it, played with it for years and that was his present from his parents for Christmas.)
Give useful items
Coming back to the issue of “too much stuff” that so many of us struggle with. Think of everyday useful items such as food or clothes.
This is especially the case when it comes to filling stockings and just making it look good or plentiful under the Christmas tree.
(My kids used to get schoolbags, new lunchboxes, socks, pyjamas, boogie boards... the only thing they didn’t like was school hats.)
Give them something awesome to do
Experiences don't come in a big box with a bow, but they are much loved
- hospitality, the beauty industry, the arts, museums and venues are local businesses employing locals to service them.
For more Christmas tips and an enjoyable organised
festive season with less mess and more joy, please read my “LessMess Christmas Checklist”